Democracy Work
At Make the Road PA, we have always understood the deep connection between issue-based organizing and non-partisan civic engagement. We understand the ways that our community, black, brown, immigrant, and working-class people, have been disenfranchised and told their voices don’t matter and we run large-scale voter registration, mobilization, and civic participation campaigns to involve them in civic life. Our members lead efforts for fair redistricting processes, get out the vote brigades in their neighborhoods, and issue-based organizing campaigns on issues such as immigrant rights, climate, housing, and education justice and worker rights. We also push back against efforts to disenfranchise black, brown, and working-class people such as voter ID laws, attempts to release private information of voters, and barriers to language access. All of this work serves to transform the relationship our communities have with government and other systems to one where our community feels empowered and able to hold these systems accountable to respond to their needs.